Stuart, FL Chiropractor | Dr. James Mastellone
Chiropractic care helped me!

Dr. James Mastellone
During football practice my junior year at the University of Florida, I sustained a blow to my head that later developed into severe headaches. These were not your garden variety headaches, they dropped me to the floor.
I told the team trainer about the headaches and he sent me to a medical doctor who sent me to a neurologist. X-rays and CT scans were done, then more CT scans and the doctors all said the same thing “we see nothing wrong (pathologically) here is a prescription for you symptoms”. But as the medication wore off the symptoms came back.
Luckily a friend of mine had just graduate from Life Chiropractic College he looked at my x-ray and immediately saw the cause of my problem. It was not pathological it was mechanical. A misaligned vertebra was pinching the nerve in my upper neck. And after just a couple of simple adjustment, amazingly I had my health back. What did this young Chiropractor just out of college know that the smartest Neurologist at the University of Florida didn’t know? At that moment the difference between, pathological and physiological (mechanical) and treating the cause vs. the symptoms, became crystal clear to me. And at that moment I knew that this is what I want to do.
I attended Life Chiropractic College in Marietta Ga., now Life University. One of the things that made my time at Life so memorable was playing rugby. I was lucky enough to receive a scholarship to play rugby at the College. We traveled the country each weekend from Fort Lauderdale to Greeley, Co. and won many regional as well as a couple of national championships. What made this opportunity so great was at the end of each game players as well as spectators from the other teams would lineup for an adjustment. This opportunity allowed me to work with hundreds of real-life cases before stepping into practice.
Chiropractic can help you!
My practice philosophy is based on the Physics of Spinal Biomechanics. I have always had an excellent understanding of how things work mechanically. And one of the greatest machines is the human design. With each patient, my approach is to first understand and find the interfering mechanical and sometime sequence of mechanical events that is causing the patients symptoms. And if I can improve or remove that interference the body will heal. Many patients by the time they decide to try chiropractic have had injection, therapy and even surgery. And it still amazes me that after just several visits patients are already seeing improvement.
Special Training
- Life Chiropractic College Post Graduate X-ray Courses
- Advanced Chiropractic Seminars
- Evaluation of AMA Permanent Impairment (Kaplan)
- Physics of Spinal Biomechanics
- Physics of Spinal Biomechanics (Advanced)
- Red Cross Certified Instructor for “Protect Your Back” Program
- Certified Chiropractic Sports Physician
- Workman’s Compensation Certification Course
- American Institute of Personal Injury Physicians
Chiropractic is for the entire family!
Research shows that most spinal problems happen at an early age. The average 5 year old has had approximately 2000 falls of which 200 are considered serious. As an RN and Massage Therapist my wife Ceri is very involved in the practice. And stays vigilant when it comes to keeping our 3 kids adjusted (Zachary 5, Rachel 7, and Marcus 10). Each week involves hours on end of T-ball, gymnastics, dance, flag football (daddy’s the coach) and baseball (daddy’s also the coach), combined with falls, cuts, bumps, bruises, and sitting on hard bleachers. It’s not hard to see why we have back problems as adults. “As the twig is bent so grows the tree.”
I urge you to contact our Stuart chiropractic office and find out if we can help you and your family. Thanks for visiting our site. I look forward to meeting you in person and learning how we may be of service to you. Take the first step now and give us a call. Be sure to take a look at our New Patient Special Offer!
Tags: Local, Certified Sports Physician, Stuart, FL Auto Injury Chiropractor, Palm City, FL Car Crash Doctor, Port Salerno, Florida Personal Injury Specialist, Martin County Car Accident Injury Doctor, Hobe Sound, Florida Auto Accident Injury Rehab, Jensen Beach, FL Auto Accident Injury Chiropractor, Stuart Car Accident Injury Help, Palm City Personal Injury Treatment, Stuart, FL Auto Accident Doctor / Martin County Car Crash Physician / Palm City, FL Personal Injury Rehab / Port Salerno, FL Auto Injury Chiropractor / Jensen Beach, Florida Whiplash Therapy / Martin County / Hobe Sound Chiropractic